For Leavenworth

Kansas is at a crossroads. As the Great Recession hit in 2008, Kansans in true Depression-influenced behavior tightened our belts. However as the nation emerged from the recession and the stock market hit new highs, Kansas stagnated. The pendulum swang too far as Brownback came in and, backed by the organization ALEC and a host of tea party advocates, dropped money out of our state in a violent act of budgetary cuts.
Our state now needs a correction. We are on a glide path to zero--economy. We are in a downward slide and we need change. Leavenworth is being affected by dogmatic policies that are being put in place that do not come from our district, that don't meet the needs of our district and that put our district in danger.

Jeff Pittman is a man from Leavenworth and for Leavenworth.


During the last few years, our tax structure has been radically altered, heavily favoring the most wealthy. Leavenworth is not made up of the most wealthy and has seen little to no benefits from this tax restructuring. Leavenworth's current Representative has backed Brownback lockstep in this downward sprial of fiscal irresponsibility. Fostering economic growth requires an educated workforce, intelligent use of funding/tax incentives and safe communities.
Jeff Pittman supports sustainable tax reform that balances revenues across property, sales and income taxes fairly. Sustainable revenues need to match our outlays. We need people in the Legislature that understand finance.
When we fix the budget, it has a beneficial effect on any number issues in our state. Jeff Pittman has an MBA from an acclaimed University; his opponent does not. Jeff Pittman is used to working with big budgets and finding efficiencies while looking for new revenue opportunities; his opponent is not. Jeff Pittman grew up in Leavenworth and recognizes the unique nature of Leavenworth; his opponent does not.

Jeff Pittman stands up for Kansas' future.


The Kansas Legislature failed to pass a Constitutional budget, threatening to shut down our schools. Our current representative did not stand up and voice concern; he passed the buck to Gov Brownback hoping he would fix it. Leavenworth needs change. Employers, families, kids, teachers--all need the stability a proper functioning State Legislature should guarantee; military family members want a stable education system when they move to Leavenworth not a constant threat of closure that our current representative gives us. Just the threat of shutting down schools negatively affects everyone.

Leavenworth schools are the foundation of our community. Jeff will fight politicians in Topeka backed by Brownback who gave unsustainable tax exemptions to the wealthiest connected individuals and imposed the burden of tax revenues on the rest of our working families. These legislators, including the current Leavenworth Representative, have severely limited the state’s ability to meet its constitutional obligation to our schools and our children.

The Block Grant bill in 2015 froze reduced funding levels from the of budget cuts in 2008 when the state had to deal with the 2008 recession. School boards across the state, including Leavenworth, have cut staff, frozen salaries, and increased class sizes to deal with our current Legislature's fiscal irresponsibility. When we don't invest in these programs, we don't adequately prepare our kids for the 21st century job market that awaits.

Jeff's opponent has little invested in the public schools. He puts out literature that suggests superintendents make up to $634,000 or more a year. Here is the source listed on his flyer. LINK HERE. The average superintendent salary is $124k. That's a good salary, but no where near the exagerated level Jeff Pittman's opposition claims.

Leavenworth city lost $1 Million in state funding because of our current representation at the state level. That's unacceptable. The Kansas Association of School Boards found that Kansas teachers are 41st in the nation in terms of pay. The Kansas National Education Association, the association of teachers here in Kansas, have endorsed Jeff because they know he has our kids' education as a top priority.

Jeff stands up for our kids.



Jeff's father is a two time Vietnam Veteran; Jeff's uncle and cousins also are war veterans; Jeff's father-in-law was a four time aviator in Vietnam; Jeff's brother is activated Reserves. Jeff grew up in Leavenworth and understands the military community. We are not like other cities here in Leavenworth. Leavenworth is unique in that so many of our citizens served in the military or were part of a family where a father, mother, sister, brother, son or daughter has served in the military. We have Fort Leavenworth with the constant flow of military. We have the VA Hospital which cares for our military. Leavenworth has a special role in the military community and in the Kansas community.We need someone who has lived here and understands that role, someone who can represent the interests of this town when up against bigger constituencies like those in Johnson county and the collective of rural districts. We need a representative with strong values and strong skills when working towards solutions.

Jeff Pittman stands up for Veterans.

2nd Amendment Rights


Jeff is an avid supporter of our right to bear arms and believes we need to stay vigilant. It's an unfortunate reality that with today's mass shootings, we have a better chance of surviving and of causing less bloodshed when there are armed civilians willing to stop that threat immediately. This can cause consternation with some out there, but in Leavenworth especially a good number of our citizens have been trained on how to weild weapons responsibly and effectively. This is almost second nature to many in our community and we need a representative that understands that.

Jeff Pittman recognizes our tradition and strength.

Medicaid Expansion


We rely on Leavenworth hospitals whether at the beginning of life with their OB unit, in life's emergencies in their ER department or as we get older with chronic treatment centers, our hospitals need to remain open. Governor Brownback and our representative cut into our hospitals' ability to operate. The cuts threaten access to care for all Kansans and place additional burdens on already financially stressed hospitals.

The Kansas Hospital Association endorses Jeff Pittman. He understands that making a decision to balance the budget on the shoulders of the KanCare providers and the patients they serve is not a good public policy decision and does not put the best interests of Kansans or Kansas first. 1500+ Leavenworth citizens don't have access to Medicaid because of Jeff Pittman's opponent and other Brownbackers. $6 Mil in Federal funds are being turned away from our local hospitals. This is dumb-headed politics.

Jeff Pittman stands up for Leavenworth.

Kansas State Employees


I recently visited the Lansing State Correctional Facility. Kansas Correctional Officers recently got a long awaited 2.5% raise in pay, bringing the starting pay to $13.95 per hour. Support staff and non-uniform staff have not seen a cost of living increase since 2008. Benefits take another 9% out of their paychecks. Based on these low wages there is staff shortages, which in turn creates safety and security issues for all Correctional staff. AFT-KS (and member group KOSE - Kansas Organization of State Employees ) has endorsed me because there is a better way to treat our state workers.

Jeff Pittman stands up for our state employees.

Mental Health and Security


Individuals in our community rely on mental health care. Because our current Legislator has helped block Medicaid expansion and has mismanaged our state budget, we don't have the funding and facilities we could have.
Our community Guidance Center has recently seen $1 Mil in budget cuts. This affects a huge number of constituents.
We have no acute mental health care facility to support those having a dangerous PTSD attack. Our police need this.
Jeff believes sound funding of mental health care initiatives will provide better counseling and care and support research on the best practices and state-of-the-art treatments.

Our veterans, police and security personnel deserve better. Jeff Pittman stands up for our community.